Saturday, April 1, 2017

runaway pink

Champ de Mars, Paris France, 1 April 2012

Welcome to the first edition of this new photo blog which will be devoted to my favorite shots taken in France, where I live, and to the many places I've traveled with my wife Elizabeth. I will identify the location and the date but keep the commentaries to a minimum as I hope the photos speak for themselves.  Comments are welcome of course!


  1. Je vais suivre ton nouveau blog avec grand plaisir et beaucoup d'intérêt. Tes photos sont toujours une leçon. Et tu vas nous faire voyager!

  2. Hi, Stuart--Best wishes on your new blogging adventure! We'll be following it, for sure. We are currently planning a one-year stay in Alsace, and then who knows???
    Penny and Mark

  3. Best of luck with the new venture! Looking forward to all the new images. :)
